Shrine in RA...
Why on Earth did Anet add capping maps to RA? This is ridiculous, RA isn't meant for this sort of thing. Shrine maps require way too much strategy, strategy that isn't there when you throw 4 random players together! I mean, come on. RA is for pure PvP combat. As it is, the shrine maps have ruined RA for me and many, many other players. I honestly haven't heard one good thing about them in general chat, everyone in RA hates them. I quit RA until these maps are gone, and I will not buy another Guild Wars game. Anet has made all the PvP arenas virtually the same, except for the method of team selection. Give us some variety, take capping maps out of RA! If people so desperately need Capping maps, make a seperate arena for them. Until then, I'll spend my time and money somewhere else, on a different product.